The only thing right in all what's been mentioned is that EVERYONE WILL DIE.
We have been created by Allah; God of everything, for a purpose and that's why we're living. After everybody's lifetime
ends, he will die. What's after one's death (good or bad)depends on how far he fulfilled the MISSION OF HIS/HER EXISTENCE.
Allah tells us what this mission is
"I have not created human beings and Jinnies except to worship Me. I don't need grace from them nor do I need food"
(the meaning of Allah's saying in THE HOLY QURAAN)
The final word in this:
We have been created to worship Allah and for no other reason.
Worshiping Allah means several things:
** To believe in Allah, his Angels, Holy Books, Prophets and Messangers, and in life after death.
** If we believe in Allah and that He created everything, we should obey Him
** Allah orders us to refrain from certain things which are religiously forbidden "HARAM" so we should avoid
** Allah orders us to do certain things. Some of them are MUSTS so everyone must do them. These include prayers and other
religious proceedings, but also include behavior. Allah orders us to always say the truth, be just and trustworthy, be responsible
towards our house and children, our work and community, treat our relatives and neighbours well and have contacts with them,
etc, etc
** We spend much more time doing routine daily activities for our life and work than doing religious proceedings. But
who said these daily activities are not for the sake of Allah? Allah orders our prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and accordingly ourselves,
to say what means
"My prayers, religious proceedings, my life and death are for Allah; God of all"
One should not be spending any time not worshiping Allah.
** All good behaviors, refraining from bad ones, advising people of what's right or helping them, earning one's living
from allowed sources, improving life in this world, even being kind to one's spouse and raising one's children well. All these
can and should be done for sake of Allah. Any good deed done for His sake, Allah would accept and reward for.
** We should not, therefore, spend time in doing nothing or doing things for the sake of nothing "we'll die and it'll
be over"
** If we do forget, Allah would accept our appologies.
** At the end of our life, we'll die, but not in vain, everything good we've done "or even attempted and was not
successful" for the sake of Allah has been recorded. We should gain as much good deeds as we can so that our life after
death is as good as we can.
** When this world is over, Allah will judge how far each of us satisfied the reason of his existance and how far he has
gone astray. And then, reward or punishment will be.