I awaked to find myself in the exam hall
It's the final exam
Upon which my future will depend
Oh God! My future will depend on this exam
I started to look at the question book. I had not noticed it before when the supervisor put it infront of me.
The questions seemed quite easy; or so I believed.
As usual, I started to read the whole question book and I noticed that the time allowed was not mentioned.
I started to shout; together with the other candidates, where is the supervisor?
"It's not an error; there is no specified time allowed, all what you have to do is answer the questions!!"
we' ve been told.
What a shock; my future depends on this exam and I don't know the time allowed !!
I read instructions stating:
"Answer as much as you can
You will be assessed according to the actual time you spent in the exam
Don't worry, its completely fair
You are allowed to cooperate with whoever you want (staff and colleagues)
The textbook, references and notes are also available"
Oh, there is so much help and it's going to be easy that way !!!
There is; however, one strict and non-negotiable condition:
Your paper may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice
Oh God, only You can help me
Oh God, inspire me with the correct answers.
I try to be calm and concentrate on the exam.
I look around and see strange things; some people are not concentrating in this vital exam. I see someone distracted
in other things; another one reading the questions and saying sarcastically:
"Oh ignore this, happy time is invaluable"
I look to see what he is doing and I find it interesting. He left the exam aside and is playing and enjoying himself.
I think of joining him.
I hear a colleague crying:
I didn't answer anything! I didn't answer anything!
I have been busy with playing!
I didn't expect you were serious in applying the instructions!
Give me my paper back!
My future is lost!
Oh my God:
They took his paper
I recognize I didn't answer anything. I try to concentrate.
The noise around me are distracting me, I hope I am not sitting beside those people who are playing and distracting me.
I look around and find a group of people sitting quietly .
They were helping eachother to answer and they were taking it seriously.
I hesitated to join them since people mocked them and their seriousness.
The time is passing out, my paper may be withdrawn at anytime.
I decide to join them, I collect my stuff and ask them whether they can accept me.
"Welcome to the group of those who will succeed; by wish of God"
They say with a smile
I find a place among them and they help me. I am now calm and I am answering questions easily.
The supervisor comes to take the paper from the one sitting beside me.
I remember my colleague who was crying and I feel sorry for the one beside me.
But he is calm and smiling
He says:
I have done all my effort and I am confident in the justice and mercy of the Evaluator. Good bye, do your best.
So I continue answering waiting for the time to hand my paper.
(Meaning quoted from the holy Quraan)