Why understand Islam?

What is Islam?
Why understand Islam?
Scientific messages
Islamic terms
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You may ask "why should I bother to understand islam?"

* For a non-Muslim, Islam seems to be a religion around which many debates arise. Many would think that Islam and Muslims are their enemies or even the enemies of peace, democracy and modern development. What is ironic about it is that most people DO NOT REALLY KNOW WHAT ISLAM IS.
* To be civilized, one should attempt to know something about how the others think and believe. A religion embraced by over a billion people worldwide deserves that you at least wonder "what is it?"
* To understand what we see and hear daily in news, TV, etc about this belief and those people
* To be fair, we shouldn't make judgements about something before we know what it really is
* To answer the question "HOW SHOULD WE DEAL WITH ISLAM?"
Should it be our enemy? our partner? perhaps our guide? may be we should leave it alone

Have an idea what Islam is