Like most people, we Muslims believe we have been created by God. We do not support ideas that ourselves or the world
around us has developed by itself. If the world has developed from atoms of hydrogen and heavier elements, and if these developed
from elementary particles, then where did these elementary particles come from? "From nothing and without a creator" would
be a strange idea compared to "created by God".
Why were we created? everyone must have wondered at least once. The straightforward and simple answer
is :
God has created us in order that we know and worship Him and for no other reason.
But how to worship God? This is not just about formal prayers and religious proceedings. Everything
we do in our life should be directed to worshipping God. How?
We should remember God at all times since he knows everything we do. We should do whatever God wants us to and refrain
from those things He does not want us to do. Our "instructions" cover all aspects of life and more often than not can be expected;
good deeds are allowed and bad ones prohibited.
In order that we know explicitly how to worship our God, God has sent us messengers (prophets). These are human beings
who have been selected by God to notify people of what they should and shouldn't do. Some of these messengers had holy books
from God sent with them .
Messengers of God include Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (PBUT) and holy books include the Bible and Quraan. Mohammad (PBUH)
is the final messenger from God to humanity and the holy Quraan is the final holy book. There will be no further prophets.
Therefore, the message of Mohammad (PBUH) is is protected by God forever and is directed to all mankind till the day of doom.
The Angels are creatures created by God and do not have the option to disobey Him. God has selected Jibril (PBUH); an
angel, to carry His messages to the prophets on earth.
Human beings can obey or disobey God, can be constructive or destructive, can behave well or be criminals, can help other
people or can attack and torture them. Naturally there should be reward and punishment. Justice on earth is sometimes lacking;
many tyrans who committed terrible crimes escaped punishment in their life. The absolute justice is that on the day of doom.
After we die, it's not over and we will live another eternel life in the hereafter. Then, God will reward those who obeyed
by Paradise and will punish those who didn't in Hell.
Put simply, we are in a big test that lasts our lifetime and ends by our death. We will live another life and
it would be forever. How we live it would be the result of our test; if we obey and worship God and behave well, we would
go to Heaven.