From a purely chemical point of view, life is part of a long-continued circulation of six main elements (carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur) from the water, soil and air into complicated organic molecules and back again 3.
The most critical role in this great life cycle is played by plants. They freshen the air with oxygen and manufacture the
food on which the animal kingdom depends, where the cycle is retarded, they may furnish coal and some of the volume of oil.
Most important in this grand scheme of life is the remarkable process of photosynthesis, wherein the green cells of plants
to convert carbon dioxide (and water into sugars and starches with liberation of free oxygen! In a sense, all animals are
parasites, for they can not make food from the Earth's raw material. A host of predators eat other animals, but towards the
bottom of any food pyramid are vegetarians living on plants. The starches and sugars produced by potosynthesis are carbohydrates,
energy producers essential for the active lives of animals. No less important, plants also manufacture proteins, the food
for growth and replacement of body tissues. Plants take nitrogen from compounds in soil and water and combine it with the
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen of carbohydrates to synthesize amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Then, by adding sulfur
and phosphorous, they convert the aminoacids into extremely complex and varied molecules called proteins! They, mixed with
considerable water, form protoplasm, which makes up the cells of all living things.
Protoplasm is the essential stuff of life. Its constant physical and chemical changes, collectively called metabolism,
enable it to build new protoplasm exactly like itself. It oxidizes organic foods to liberate the energy required for vital
processes producing waste material of CO2 (Carbon dioxide) and H20 (water) and in case of proteins, nitrogenous urea as well.
In spite of all the above scientific information we must take into consideration that the greatest mystery, i.e. the secret
of life itself is still unsolved and it will never be possible to synthesize life under laboratory conditions.
We have now discussed the material composition of the essential stuff of life (Protoplasm) from elements derived ~rom
air, water and soil through the remarkable process of photosynthesis by green plants.
On the death of an organism, decay bacteria break down its remains into the simpler substances from which it was constructed
and into ammonia, the end product of protein decomposition.
The simpler products of metabolism and decay (after death) return to the air, water and soil where they are recycled!
Certain bacteria convert ammonia into nitrate compounds, fertilizers that can be assimilated and used again by plants. In
special cases where bacterial decay is inhibited , coalbreakdown of woody plant material and oil from incomplete decomposition
of simple plant and animals. Coal and oil are the main source of fire. When burned, 'the free carbon in coal and hydrocarbons
of oil are rapidly oxidized to carbon dioxide which is recycled by photosynthesis in green plants ending this interruption
of the grand cycle
We conclude that from dead matter, God's creative act produces living matter; even science has not been able to explain
the mystery of life! God's creative process is constantly at work and the cycle of life and death goes on. The Photosynthesis
in green plants is an example of God's creative artistry in the cycle of life and death. Moreover energy production (Fire)
plays an important part in this cycle as explained above. This fact is hinted at in Glorious Quran as a decisive answer to
those who reject God's power in bringing out the living from the dead
"And he (the unbeliever) makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own (origin and) creation, he says, Who can give
life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that) ?" Say "He will give them life Who created them for the first
time! For He is well - versed in every kind of creation ! The same Who produces for you fire out of green trees, when behold
! Ye kindle therewith (your own fires)! "'
(38: 78-80)
It is remarkable here that God sets forth an excellent parable (of green trees and fire) which is actually on the spot
dealing with life - death cycle as we have recently discovered in our present physical world!. This new comment was unknown
to ancient commentators of the Quran and I think that the word "green trees" is a direct indication to photosynthesis
process, which is the motive power of recycling matter between living and dead creatures! Actually this Quranic verse is a
scientific marvel indicating the present life-death cycle
Therefore God's creative power is evident in every phase of nature and it works every minute or second. The more man understands
himself and the natural things within his reach, the more he realizes this. How foolish, then, for any one to set imaginary
limits to God's powers? There are more ways of creation than are dreamt of in man's imagination. Nothing exists of its own
accord of fortuitously. It is God Who originates all creation. What appears to be death may be only transformation: For God
can and does recreate, and His creative activity is continuous. This fact is emphasized in the following glorious Quranic
"It is God Who begins (The process of) creation, then repeat it; then shall ye be brought back to Him"
This means that our death is but a phenomenal event. What we become after death is the result of a process of recreation
by God. Who is both the source and the goal of all things.
God's signs are many, and so are His mysteries. God Most High says in the glorious Quran
"It is He Who brings out the living from the dead. And brings out the dead from the living, and Who gives life to
the earth after it is dead: And thus shall ye be brought out (from the dead)"
(30: 19)
Here God shows that the earth itself, seemingly s~ inert, produces "vegetable life at once from a single shower of
rain and In~ various ways sustains animal life . Metaphorically many things seem to die and then to live again, all under
the wonderful dispensation of God. So will our personality be revived when we apparently die on this Earth, in order to receive
the consequences of our brief life. This fact of resurrection is a principal doctrine in the Quran
"Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like thereof?" Yea, indeed ! For He is
the Creator supreme of skill and knowledge (infinite)! Verily, when He intends a thing His Command is, "Be"-and
it instantly exists! So glory to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things and to Him will ye be all brought back."
(36: 81-83)
Actually God created the heavens and the earth, with all creatures, and He can create worlds and worlds like these in
infinity. To him it is a small matter to raise us up for the Hereafter.
His creation is not dependent on any conditions whatsoever. The moment He wills a thing it becomes His Word or Command
and the thing forthwith comes into existence
All things were created by God and maintained by Him and will go back to Him. But the point of special interest to man
is that man will also be brought back to God and is answerable to Him and to Him alone. This message is the core of Revelation;
it explains the meaning of the Hereafter.
We have already seen that photosynthesis in greed plants is a scientific model in our present world to prove that God
begins creation then repeats it. Thus it is easy for us to believe in the Hereafter in which we shall be brought back to God
for the final judgment. God Most High says in the Quran:
"Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones? Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips
of his fingers ?"
(75: 3-4)
Here the idiom "the very tips of his fingers" most delicate parts of the body (The tips of fingers are the characteristic
sign used recently in identity cards).
God also answers the question of the unbelievers
"What I When we die and become dust, (shall we live again?) that is a ( sort of) Return far ( from our understanding).
We already know How much of them the earth takes away With Us is a record guarding (the full account)".
(50: 3-4)
The present life cycle and the future resurrection are indicated in the following Quranic sign:
"From it (the earth) did We create you, and into it shall We return you, and from it shall We bring you out once
The following Quranic verses give us a spiritual picture of the guardian angels in our present life, the stupor of death,
clearness of vision, and the recording angel at the day of resurrection.
"It was We Who created, man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him for We are nearer to him than
(his) jugular vein. Behold, two (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doing.), learn (and note them). One sitting on the
right and one on the left. Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him ready (to note it).And the stupor of death
will bring truth (before his eyes) : "This was the thing which thou toast And the trumpet shall be blown: That will be
the Day Whereof Warning (had been given).And there will come forth every soul with each will be an (angel) to drive, And an
(angel) to bear witness. (It will be said) "Thou wast heedless of this; now have We removed thy veil, And sharp is thy
sight this Day! "And his Companion will say "Here is (his record) ready with me! "(the sentence will be;) Throw,into
Hell every contumacious Rejecter (of God) !
And. the Garden will be brought nigh to the righteous, -- no more a thing distant. (A voice will say) "This is what
was promised for you ... Enter ye therin in Peace and Security This is a Day of Eternal Life ! ."
(50: 16-34)