Allah created the first human being "ADAM" by Himself. He could have ordered Adam to be and he would have been;
however Allah created our grandfather by Himself as a form of valuing him and his progeny.
When Adam disobeyed Allah by eating from the forbidden tree in paradise, Allah taught Adam how to regret to Him and accepted
his regret. When He ordered Adam to go down to earth, Allah told him what means
"and do not get annoyed that I told you get out of Heaven 'to Earth', for Heaven was created for you. Just go down
to earth and obey me and when you miss Heaven you'll come back 'i.e. after death' "
Allah created all the happiness in Heaven for us and what He wants of us is to follow the straight path (the orders of
God) until we go to Heaven.
In addition, God has created everything on Earth that makes human life possible. The planet is at just right distance
from the sun to have a suitable temperature, atmosphere and water content that make life possible. Water, air, animals, plants,
minerals and everything on earth is for our use. Our minds, hearts, vision, hearing and bodies are gifts from Allah. Even
when some people disobey Allah, or even deny His existance, Allah still provides them with life requirements!!!
Every time Allah found that many people have forgotten or disobeyed, He sent messangers to the people, from themselves,
who guided people back to the way of God, and when Allah says that Mohammad (PBUH) would be the last messanger, He makes his
message suitable for every time and place and tells us it will be preserved by Allah till the day of doom.
When we pray, we are before Allah, we talk to Him and we can ask him what we need for our life and after our death. Allah
allows everyone to talk to Him directly and promises to respond to his believers' requests 'Doaa' provided it contains no
evil. His response can be as requested, or saving the requester from an equivalent evil or a delayed response on the day
of doom.
Allah orders us to be just to eachother and even to those who do not believe in Him. He accepts Doaa from those who have
been treated unjustly even if they do not believe in Him.
Allah created in every human being the love and desire to be rightful and feelings of hardness and discomfort when he
does wrong. Innate, all people are comfortable with good deeds and uncomfortable with bad ones (known as Fitra or conscience).
The Devil wishes to deviate human beings off the straight, right path to evil deeds, disobeying God and deserving Hell. Allah
warns us that this creature is our enemy and tells us how this devil will try to deviate us. The devil would try to make us
see evil things better than they are and on the other hand see good things and those we have in hand worse than they are (eg
he may make someone feel a certain woman is better than his wife, etc). He would try to make us forget all blessings we have
and exaggerate any problems, consider major sins minor, give ourselves hope that life is long and we can become good later,
and many other ways. Allah told us all this because He loves us and doesn't want the Devil to overcome us.
Nevertheless, Allah knows we would do some mistakes that should have prevented us from going to paradise. Allah is the
most merciful and wants us to go to paradise by giving us many chances including:
***When someone does a bad deed, it is counted as one but when he/she does a good deed it is counted as ten, or even more
(according to how good the person's intentions were during doing that deed). Furthermore, when one INTENDS to do a good deed
and fails to do it it IS counted as if were done.
***Many small acts have great rewards from God (eg a specific night during the month of Ramadan 'Lailat Al Kadr' is equivalent
to over 1000 months)
***TAWBA: This means to apologize to God for someone's bad deeds, to feel sorry for them and be determined not to do them
again. This results in these bad deeds being cancelled. Anyone can do this at anytime so long he is still alive. However,
if you have taken any other person's rights, your 'TAWBA' cannot be accepted until you give it back to him.
***If you become ill, injured, annoyed or suffer in any way and accept this as being God's will, this leads to 'some of'
your bad deeds being eliminated.
***After we die, we can still receive good deeds 'Hasanaat' through blessings sent from our sons and relatives or when
people benefit from EITHER good deeds we had done when alive 'Sadaqa jareah' such as hospitals we shared in building or equipping
and the like OR we have left useful science (discoveries or helping others to learn).
***Allah has created 100 mercies of which one has been sent to us. By that mercy mothers take care of their children and
people tolerate and forgive eachother. On the day of doom, the 100 mercies will be released by Allah to forgive people who
deserve it.
Others are too many to count, but we have to believe that every order Allah requires us to do is in our best interest