Islam treats women badly, does not respect them and discriminates between both sexes.
No one is against discrimination of any sort more than Islam. The only discrimination is between what's right and what's
wrong.Islam believes in equality between sexes; however, Islam recognizes and respects the differences between them.
According to physiological differences, women are adapted to childbearing and child rearing which is considered by Islam
as a "sacred" role. Employment of women is not prohibited and over 1000 years ago, they played vital roles even in battles;
carrying food and supplies, nursing, etc and many women worked as teachers.
Even with current development, women usually have greater responsibilities at home and with children; consequently, Islam
has obliged men (fathers and husbands) to take care of women and support them (financially and otherwise). Sharing financial
responsibility is OK but it is not an obligation on the wife.
By logic not religion, if men cannot equally share responsibilities in childbearing,
nursing and rearing and house
affairs with their wives, then women may not be able to equally share employment and financial responsibilities equally as
well. They may then need to benefit from the advantage of being supported by their husbands.
Put simply, women have the OPTION of not working and men have the OBLIGATION to support their wives. The husband's leadership
at home means responsibility (not superiority) and husbands are required to deal with their wives gently and satisfy their
(reasonable) needs.
Islam recognizes that the wife is a separate identity; having her own full name (we don't change surnames after marriage)
and property (the husband has no access to his wife's money or property).
In Islam, the only way of having a special relation with a woman is marriage. Islam respects and protects the humanity
of women and does not allow them to be used for pleasing people indiscriminately and without any rights (as those which would
arise consequent on marriage). Islam has a system for dealing with
marital conflicts and, although discouraged, allows
divorce when it is really needed.
On the other hand, the possibility of marrying upto four wives (which is allowed in Islam) does not mean that Islam encourages
this in general. When Islam came, this indeed was a restriction since most men married more than four. Nowadays, there are
certain cultures and exceptional circumstances in which having a second (or more) wife may be appropriate. Islam urges people
to be sincere and honestly address such things. This is an option that may or may not be used and, above all, it is far better
than having extramarital relations.