The cornerstones
What is Islam?
Why understand Islam?
Scientific messages
Islamic terms
About us

To be a Muslim, one should believe in Allah; the one and only God of everything and everyone, believe in all prophets including Mohamad (PBUH), and follow the orders of Allah through fulfilling certain religious proceedings, behaving well in life and refraining from religiously forbidden acts.
All this is detailed in our holy book (Quraan) and the sayings and
deeds of our prophet Mohamad (PBUH) which were all based on orders from God.

The cornerstones of Islam are five and must be fulfilled in every Muslim:
1. The testimony that
"there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah"
2. Prayers
each Muslim must pray five times a day
3. Zakaa
The arabic word for "purification" and refers to an obligation that the rich pay specified amounts of money for the poor
4. Fasting
during the month of Ramadan (Lunar calendar)
5. Hajj (pilgrimage)
visiting the Holy Mosque in Mecca where the "Kaaba" exists during a specific time of the year and performing certain proceedings.
It is mandated once in life for those who can afford it.